A lot of students rejoice when they have long weekends, Semestral breaks, Christmas breaks, and Summer vacation. I, myself, am a firm believer that not everything is as good as they are deemed to be. When it becomes known that after a stressful school year there will be a time for a considerably long duration of a rest, it just feels like "heaven". In that scenario no one would reject the idea because everyone is looking forward to it.
I look back at how I planned my whole summer break and I can't quite grasp how it made all sense to me before, how it made me smile just waiting for it and how it made me smirk when I brag about it with other students. A lot of students just like me would love to sugar coat everything, that it was all fun and restful. How a long sleep is very much worth it , how staying up all night just gives you the energy to have fun, and how a day at home(or at you room) is something to savour... as much as I'd pretty much want to feel that way always...IT'S JUST NOT THE TRUTH.
Here's what really happens. I sleep late and I end up being the only one awake by 12:00 M.N.; I wake up late then I eat breakfast alone and sometimes have a minor head ache; I stay home for the day and things get really boring because my parents are at work and my brothers have school.
Waiting for something that hasn't happened is very thrilling, but Waiting for something to end is very boring. As much as I try to avoid the issue but there's just an Inevitable Agony in Waiting.
But don't ever blame yourself for what's happening because I didn't. Summer started full of very hectic activities but also full of crazy experiences for me. It first started with the annual Light Cavalry Leadership Camp which in truth was very fun, thrilling and challenging all at the same time.
After that last Ateneo Adventure, I kinda wanted to conclude my deep thoughts in High School. So I made this 4-year-long-diary of a sort. This showed all my emotions and "overthinker" feelings back in H.S. It's not much but when I read it all over again it brings back all the memories in great detail.
Then followed my agitation to be enrolled in the University of the Philippines. It was very new to me and I was just dreading for all the requirements to be passed so that I could get it over with and proceed to my other plans for summer. Then again because of that trip I was able to envision my future college life here. Plus I had this crazy dream to be part of the UP Pep Squad( I wish....) U-NI-BER-SI-DAD ng Pilipinas! UP FIGHT!
What followed next was a stressful yet very fulfilling creative art work, which you would certainly know about if you read my previous post. "THE END OF HIGH SCHOOL" Scrapbook which was also a
4-summer break-long project. GAME OVER
What I did next was really a plan that was very doubtful of happening but it did happen anyway because the AKEELAH Batch are awesome people. We make the Impossible things Possible! That makes me so proud to be a part of this grade school family which became a very vital stepping stone to how I am as a friend to others. The big event was the AKEELAH Batch 2010 Second Reunion.
The big projects were done and I still got myself two more months of summer. So what to do? I did a lot of reading and rereading from old books to newly bought ones. It kept me busy enough and fulfilled enough to not say that I had a dull day. I did really enjoy it thou because I was able to appreciate other books that I read to fastly before and I was able to read the books that I rarely read now. BOOK Reading Fest (Boring but better than doing Nothing) + Some movies that really have me laying down all day.
Well as a daughter I also had duties to fulfill, one of which was to help out on the family businesses because I was old enough as they say. A Summer Job as I recall how I called it but didn't turn out like that actually because it was more of a Volunteer Work which was emphasized because I'd wear my old LC Shirts to work hahaha. My parents were really busy so it was nice to carry some of the burden of the work. As a child, helping out is a natural way in life, in my case.
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Plus I had a lot of time to spare to keep my parents motivated. Make them happy(even if they keep on focusing on the negativities, I make it as my task to look for the silver lining for them). Do what they ask you to(even make a genral notes for a mechanical plan that made me an amateur for the work I was frustrated to do because I didn't know what the hell I was making). Be an instrument of God to them.
And as I am writing this I am facing the challenge of waiting for something that I am really worried about... COLLEGE. I have to take note of the changes for me to really indulge everything but I learn to Good luck to me! and God bless to me and all the other freshmen college students out there! It's gonna be different but after an agony of waiting will be a realization of the worth of that waiting. I just have to Live in the Here and Now cuz that's what matters....I'm gonna be missing home...high
But then again I still have a month to do what I want! Moe power to my motivation to make all of my plans into reality ...