Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentines Special

February 14, 2014. Valentine's Day. Heart's Day. Lovers Day.
Simply a Day of Showing Love to those whom you love.
When I was a kid Valentine's Day was a day solely for the two lovers that I only come to know - My parents. I would make special Valentine cards and make gifts for them. I even made them a sort of Valentine's surprise party before. The classrooms in schools would be decorated with hearts and red would always be the color of the day.

When I ENTERED high school the meaning of Valentine's Day had quite a different meaning. As most high school students would say "It's a day for lovers" It was quite a preconceived judgment that Valentine's Day was only for those who had special someones.

On my first two years in Highschool, I admit I do not remember much about my Valentine's Day. However when i was in third year, I was surprised to Receive simple gifts from my dear classmates. It really made ​​me guilty that I had not PREPARED something for them. Then I opened my mind to the thought that Valentine's Day is after all not just a day for my Parents, not just for two love birds, but it is a day that Should Spent be with people that you have Shown THEIR love and the people who you have shared yours too.

The phenomenon of attaching little love locks to the parapets of the Pont des Arts bridge across the River Seine capital's really interested me. An act of promise and a symbol of commitment, that is what a love lock is. Many people would even travel a thousand miles just to have THEIR little padlocks engraved with initials in them be placed in that bride in Paris, so They can pledge THEIR love in the hope that it shall last forever. locking However that love locked in the bridge is just half of the meaning of it, Because after pledging your promise, promising a secret, or exchanging your vows, you have to throw the key in the Seine river and watch it slowly disappear in the depths of the water, as a symbol of that unbreakable promise.

Maybe someday I'm gonna find that person that I can have a love lock with. Who knows I'm still a 16 year old girl with great ambitions and I know I have a long way to go. Love has its ways. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! 

How I spent my Valentine's Day? Well I can say that it was one amazing day ...

I finally had the time to make, find and prepare Valentine's gifts for my classmates and most especially for my best friends. 

What made me really proud of our class was that we gave simple but meaningful gifts to all our teachers. Seeing the joy in THEIR eyes and the smiles in THEIR faces, that was enough to make my day. Receiving love becomes more meaningful when in time you learn to share it too.

I Received quite a number of gifts and chocolates. I look into the not just the presents but rather on the value this person has to me.

Every gift given had a symbol of love in it. Love comes in different forms. Young love. Love of Forgiveness. Love of Acceptance. Love of a Mother. Love of bestfriends. Teenage Love. Love 
evidently is the closest thing  we have to MAGIC.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

An Oath That I Have To Live Up To

Kagay-anon Youth Leaders Academy

           Last February 2, 2014 marks the end of our Kagay-anon Youth Leaders Academy “KYLA” Program, but at the same time it is the beginning steps towards accomplishing my Leadership Journey. Being a leader who knows how to give, inspire and love what she does. The challenge I have to face now is how to find that drive within me to remain fueled by the presence of deep passion for generous service.

          In my KYLA experience I was told that in order for me to remain true to myself, I should acknowledge my strengths and my weaknesses. In what I do best, I should learn to continually improve, while my weaknesses should be the parts of my identity that would remind me that I need other people too. Just like Jack Frost in the movie, The Guardians, I should know what my center is. Finding my center is a life- long process, one that I should seize and enjoy. Finding meaning in all the things that come my way.
Another lesson that really inspired me to become a better person, a better leader is the thought of making heroes out of the ordinary people. A wise man once said that in order for us to survive the world of the present we need to make leaders out of the ordinary people…WE NEED TO MAKE HEROES OF OURSELVES.
Everybody has the potential. Everybody just needs a little push to find that courage within them.

                I learned of sincerity and dedication to my Leadership Oath. I pledge to be an example for others, to inspire them to do their part in the process towards a meaningful life. To have LOVE as my guiding principle in giving inspiration and moving people to action.

              KYLA was truly an unforgettable experience. From the Grand Camp where I learned of sacrifice to the Saturday Modules that taught me the importance of Commitment up to the Graduation Camp where I find myself appreciating the value of KYLA in my whole formation. Sacrificing also means giving that part of you to others, not just the physical things but also those that we cannot see, cannot touch and cannot stop – TIME. The experience of meeting people and finding friends who will be your companions in leading a community is truly a big deal.  Leading means working with people, not only within the borders of your school but going beyond and working with people with different experiences and different lifestyles.


            Everybody can make a leader of themselves. It starts first with knowing what you are good at and finding a chance to develop it. What you learn from others would be things that you should pay forward. Leadership takes on many forms because anyone can influence others through their own talents. When we make a stand, we must live it out first and BE AN EXAMPLE.